Saturday, May 1, 2021

Analysis of Payment and Value of Care - Hospital (2016 - 2019) CMS Data Set

Payment and Value of Care – Hospital (2016 – 2019)

Data set from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Released Date 2021-04-28

Dataset Link:


Multivariable Linear Regression Formula

Formula: Estimated payment = β0 + β1(better) + β2(worse) + β3(Heart Attack) + β4(Hip/Knee Replacement) + β5(Pneumonia)

Formula: Estimated payment = 17645.77 + 403.9734(better) + 376.7295(worse) + 8035.197(Heart Attack) + 3169.4(Hip/Knee Replacement) + 606.4449(Pneumonia)


Table: CMS Hospital Payment by case and outcome (2016 – 2019)

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